The WordPress plug-in for news, magazines, and blogs! We hope you enjoy the journey inside the content of your WordPress website! This WordPress platform extension from Newscodes will drastically alter how you use and present your content and improve the way your existing visitors interact with it for news, media websites, personal blogs, or any other project you are working on that uses posts to create and present content. Here are some details about Newscodes: News, Magazine and Blog Elements for WordPress
How to Use Newscodes
Starting to use Newscodes is not too difficult.
1) Install the Plugin: Use the WordPress plugin directory to download and install Newscodes, or buy it from a marketplace. Using the WordPress dashboard, activate the plugin.
2) Select and Customize Layouts: Newscodes provides you with a selection of layouts once it is active. To add personality to the grids, sliders, and carousels, you have the ability to change the columns, colours, text sizes, and images.
3) Embed Shortcodes: Use the included shortcode to insert the element into your WordPress pages or posts after you have customised the layout. With the editor, you may position it anywhere to allow for the display of dynamic material across several sections of your website.
4) Add Widgets: You may also include Newscodes widgets in your sidebar, footer, or other widget places for a smooth user experience. It is simple to combine popular posts, recent news, or specific categories with the widgets.
Who Should Use Newscodes?
For anyone using WordPress to manage a news, magazine, or blog website, Newscodes is perfect. It meets the needs of:
1) Bloggers who want to employ dynamic grids or carousels to improve the way their material is presented.
2) News websites that want to feature important sections and breaking news in a customisable style.
3) Magazine websites that aim to display different kinds of content in attractive post styles.
4) Web designers that wish to provide their customers with an easy content management plugin.
Benefits of Newscodes
1) Saves Time: Your time spent on design is set up to concentrate on content production thanks to the pre-built layouts and customisation choices.
2) Enhances User Engagement: The attractive features of carousels, tickers, and dynamic content grids encourage users to stay on your website longer.
3) Mobile-Friendly: Users of mobile devices receive a seamless experience because your content is automatically optimised for them.
4) No Coding Required: It provides simple features like drag-and-drop editing, so you are able to utilise it even if you do not know how to code.
Product Link: http://codecanyon.net/item/newscodes-news-magazine-and-blog-elements-for-wordpress/14714969
- http://ul.to/q9qawg8l
- http://www95.zippyshare.com/v/mdBqixIn/file.html
- http://turbobit.net/avfmqrh2xsss.html
- http://www.filefactory.com/file/68etcib1fxhr/Newscodes%20-%20News%2C%20Magazine%20and%20Blog%20Elements%20for%20Wordpress.zip
- http://uppit.com/rmz51fesdtqn/Newscodes_-_News,_Magazine_and_Blog_Elements_for_Wordpress.zip
- http://www.girlshare.ro/3489237261.4
- https://userscloud.com/t76g3tx7frs0
- https://tusfiles.net/3beig4slc64b
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